By Amit Bagree.
This is a quick blog post on one-liners. Recently I was working on manually validating vulnerabilities for a customer with a very large Internet presence. There were a lot of findings - each with hundreds of affected systems and I needed a quick way to confirm the vulnerability on each system and weed out false positives. I achieved this by using common *nix commands and tools. This might not get you a standing ovation or pick up a partner but they'll help you wrap up the automated scanning to give you time to spend on the real hax!
Nessus: SSL Version 2 (v2) Protocol Detection
Nessus: SSL / TLS Renegotiation DoS & SSL / TLS Renegotiation Handshakes MiTM Plaintext Data Injection
Nessus: Multiple Vendor DNS Query ID Field Prediction Cache Poisoning
Nessus: IKE Server Allows Aggressive Mode for Shared Secret Authentication
Nessus: HTTP TRACE / TRACK Methods Allowed
Nessus: Web Server Expect Header XSS
Then you're all ready to:
Oh by the way you would need the following modules for SSLAudit to work:
Assuming would be cached. You can make it cache first if you wish.
Ok, you get the point :)
One final tip - use
Hope you find these helpful and please share if you have some favorites as well.
This is a quick blog post on one-liners. Recently I was working on manually validating vulnerabilities for a customer with a very large Internet presence. There were a lot of findings - each with hundreds of affected systems and I needed a quick way to confirm the vulnerability on each system and weed out false positives. I achieved this by using common *nix commands and tools. This might not get you a standing ovation or pick up a partner but they'll help you wrap up the automated scanning to give you time to spend on the real hax!
McAfee Vulnerability Manager: Web Server Supports Outdated SSLv2 ProtocolNessus: SSL Version 2 (v2) Protocol Detection
root@bt:~# for i in `cat Affected-SSLv2-IPs.txt`; do echo -e "\n----START "$i"----" ; echo -e "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\n" | openssl s_client -connect "$i" -ssl2; echo -e "\n----END "$i"----"; done > SSLv2-Output.txt
McAfee Vulnerability Manager: TLS / SSL Man-In-The-Middle Renegotiation VulnerabilityNessus: SSL / TLS Renegotiation DoS & SSL / TLS Renegotiation Handshakes MiTM Plaintext Data Injection
root@bt:~# paste SSL-Renego-IPs.txt | while read IP port; do echo "----START "$IP":"$port"----"; echo -e "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\nR\n\n" | ncat --ssl "$IP" "$port"; echo -e "\n----END "$IP":"$port"----\n"; done
has an IP address and port number on each line separated by a space. You can use OpenSSL instead of Ncat as well. An online test tool is available here.CVE-2008-1447
McAfee Vulnerability Manager: ISC BIND DNS Out-Of-Bailiwick Cache PoisoningNessus: Multiple Vendor DNS Query ID Field Prediction Cache Poisoning
root@bt:~# for i in `DNS-CachePoison-IPs.txt`; do dig @"$i" +short TXT; done; > DNS-CachePoison-Output.txt
Nessus: DNS Server Spoofed Request Amplification DDoS root@bt:~# for i in `cat DNSRootAmpDoS-IPs.txt`; do dig @"$i" . NS; done > DNSRootAmpDoS-Output.txt
McAfee Vulnerability Manager: Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Aggressive Mode with Pre-Shared KeyNessus: IKE Server Allows Aggressive Mode for Shared Secret Authentication
root@bt:~# for i in `cat IKE-AggresiveMode-IPs.txt`; do sudo ike-scan -M -A "$i"; done > IKE-AggresiveMode-Output.txt
CVE-2003-1567, CVE-2004-2320, CVE-2010-0386
McAfee Vulnerability Manager: Web Server HTTP TRACE or TRACK Methods EnabledNessus: HTTP TRACE / TRACK Methods Allowed
root@bt:~# paste Trace-IPs-SSL.txt | while read IP port; do echo "----START "$IP":"$port"----"; echo -e "TRACE / HTTP/1.0\n\n" | ncat --ssl "$IP" "$port"; echo -e "\n----END "$IP":"$port"----\n"; done > Trace-SSL-IPs-Output.txt
CVE-2006-3918, CVE-2007-5944
McAfee Vulnerability Manager: F-Secure Policy Manager Expect Header Cross-Site ScriptingNessus: Web Server Expect Header XSS
root@bt:~# for i in `cat ExpectHeaderXss-IPs.txt`; do echo -e "\n----START "$i"----" ; echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.0\nExpect: <script>alert(1)</script>\n\n" | openssl s_client -quiet -connect "$i":443; echo -e "\n----END "$i"----"; done > M-ExpectHeaderXss-Output.txt
Nessus: Apache HTTP Method Request Entity XSS root@bt:~# for i in `cat ApacheMethodRequestXSS-IPs.txt`; do echo -e "\n----START "$i"----" ; echo -e "<script>alert(1)</script> / HTTP/1.1\nHost:\nConnection: close\nContent-length: -1\n\n" | nc "$i" 80; echo -e "\n----END "$i"----"; done > ApacheMethodRequestXSS-Output.txt
SSL Ciphers and Certs
Couple of quick tips/tools for checking weak SSL ciphers, expired SSL certificates, certificates with weak signature algorithms, etc...SSLSmart
Download here. Simply import your IPs with port info like from a text file and click ‘Start Test’. The advantage with SSLSmart is that if you perform a ‘Content’ test you can catch that pesky system which would allow a weak cipher connection but then display a page saying you are not good enough to connect to it. The two methods below won’t catch this false
Another nice tool is this Perl script The nice feature about this is that the results are graded as per the SSLLabs SSL Server Rating Guide. If you are providing a list of IPs, you will notice quickly that the tool errors out without performing the checks if there is a hostname mismatch (Errors - Hostname verification failed, Hostname mismatch). Worry not! just disable the mismatch check. To apply the patch:root@bt:~# wget
root@bt:~# unzip SSLAudit\ r6\ \(20100119\).zip
root@bt:~# wget
root@bt:~# patch -p1 < SSLAudit-r6-20100119-RemoveHostnameCheck.patch
Then you're all ready to:
root@bt:~# cat All_SSL_IPs.txt | while read IP port; do echo -e "\n----START "$IP":"$port"----”; perl "$IP" "$port"; echo -e "\n----END "$IP":"$port"----\n"; done > All_SSLAudit_Output.txt
Oh by the way you would need the following modules for SSLAudit to work:
root@bt:~# nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p port/s IP-Address/es
Non-Recursive DNS Queries
root@bt:~# for i in `cat DNS-NonRecursive-IPs.txt`; do dig @"$i" A +norecurse; done > DNS-NonRecurive-Output.txt
Assuming would be cached. You can make it cache first if you wish.
Checking Remote NTP version
root@bt:~# for i in `cat NTPVersion-IPs.txt`; do echo -e "\n----START "$i"----" ; ntpq -c readvar "$i"; echo -e "\n----END "$i"----"; done > NTPVersion-Output.txt
Check XSS in URL/URL parameter using Curl
root@bt:~# curl '<script>alert(1)</script>' | grep 'alert(1)'
Download a specific file from multiple IPs
root@bt:~# for i in `cat IPs.txt`; do curl -o "$i"_crossdomain.xml “http://"$i"/crossdomain.xml”; done
for i in `cat IPs-SSL.txt`; do curl -k -o "$i"_robots.txt “https://"$i"/robots.txt”; done
Ok, you get the point :)
One final tip - use
& wc
or vim
) to check for number of occurrences of a pattern in your output.Hope you find these helpful and please share if you have some favorites as well.