By Tony Lee and Amit Bagree.
We get some very unique requests from time to time—such as: “Please walk the site with sequential file IDs in order to gather file type statistics. Oh yeah, do this from outside the network and consume minimal bandwidth.”
Yes, we realize that this is not an ideal scenario because you could just go to web server locally, but how many ideal scenarios do you really come across? Plus we love a challenge. :)
Now that we have a way to resolve the redirects, yet ignore the content, we will need some Linux scripting foo to help with traversing the IDs and parsing the output.
You could now change the grep to xls, doc, docx, etc. “
We get some very unique requests from time to time—such as: “Please walk the site with sequential file IDs in order to gather file type statistics. Oh yeah, do this from outside the network and consume minimal bandwidth.”
Yes, we realize that this is not an ideal scenario because you could just go to web server locally, but how many ideal scenarios do you really come across? Plus we love a challenge. :)
Mission if you choose to accept it
A redirect page in a client site takes an object parameter called ID. These are potentially sensitive files and you want to traverse all of the redirect URLs and resolve the redirect names to their full path to check for sensitive names and gather statistics. Unfortunately, your client is bandwidth sensitive and does not want you downloading their entire website (some files are +10MB in size) – you don’t want that either... However, you still need to obtain a site map, parse the file names for potentially sensitive titles and gather statistics.One Possible Solution
A few of us kicked the problem around for the optimal answer. We finally settled on the spider option contained within wget. From the wget man page:“
--spider When invoked with this option, wget will behave as a Web spider, which means that it will not download the pages, just check that they are there.
“Now that we have a way to resolve the redirects, yet ignore the content, we will need some Linux scripting foo to help with traversing the IDs and parsing the output.
Solution: Steps (High Level)
- Run “script” to capture the output for grepping
- Create a bash shell script that counts from the lower range to the upper range…
- Kill “script” with
- Grep like there is no tomorrow
Step 1: Run Script
root@bt:~# script
Step 2: for Loop
root@bt:~# for i in {110000..110002}; do wget --spider --force-html$i; done
Step 3: CTRL+D
Typical Output
After letting that run for a while, we finally have some output. It appears that wget resolved the location and followed it to check to see if the file exists. Just as we planned! On top of that, we did not download the file. Now we need to make the output actionable—grep to the rescue.--snip--
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
--2012-01-09 13:29:11--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: /crazy/long/directories/someexcelfile.xls [following]
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
--2012-01-09 13:29:11--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 50688 (50K) [application/]
Remote file exists.
Step 4: grep grep grep
You could grep on just about anything in the output above. You could grep on “Location” or the second date tag if you wanted. Below is just one example. We are using two greps piped together. The first one grabs the lines with the double dash and the second looks for file extensions. We pipe that into word count with a ‘–l
’ to count the number of lines that match that as shown below. root@bt:~# grep "\-\-" <script file name> | grep “.pdf” | wc -l
You could now change the grep to xls, doc, docx, etc. “
wc –l
” will continue to give you the number of instances or leave it off in order to grab the full paths to the files.